For those unfamiliar with the game of bingo, it is often known as “card games without cards.” Bingo is a simple game where all that is required is bingo card (usually ten-sided, but can be twenty-sided), the bingo card itself, and a set of rules specifying how the game willContinue Reading

Is there a way to play Debate Bingo on your mobile phone? The popular debate game is now available for mobile use. How’s that for news? The first version of this game, a card game played at libraries and bookstores, has been available in stores for a while and isContinue Reading

If you want to know what the bingo bonus is then you have found the right bingo site. Bingo is a unique game in that it allows the players to exchange points for a prize. There are various ways in which you can earn points with bingo, and some ofContinue Reading

Bingo is a card game played by people of all ages and walks of life. There are variations to bingo but essentially it’s just the same game. Players place their bingo cards on a board or other device and play a game. Players can win money or other prizes whenContinue Reading